WeMen project organized by Nomadways.

Stamp and Monoprint workshop leaded by me that finished with this amazing artist book called Danger Gender.

WeMen brought together 24 people of youth workers, visual artists, gender activists and theoreticians from different parts of Europe: France, Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom and Turkey. 

Thanks to Kika, Anne, Al, Lydia, Carine and all the WeMen artist

Brivezac, France

Note: All views expressed are the opinions of the artist.

Art by:

Kim Goddard

Coline Laboulais

Salomé Mairine

Estefania Mena

Anne Merlin

Vesela Deyanova 

Alexander Georgiev

Kristina Hristova

Daniel Wisníewski

Hania Zwierschowska

Hannah Kirmes-Daly

Taha İşleyici

Mehmet Bilge 

Selen Aktümen

Serhan Sahin 

Joana Maria Neves

Andrés Sánchez Gonzalez

Antonio Vílchez

Cover and editing:

Isabel Couchoud Bataller