Platans i figues



Limited edition of banana and figs plates I did at the ceramics workshop of Camberwell College of arts during my MA. I enjoyed working on ceramic, to see all the steps, and not knowing what is going . You can buy them on my shop.




The sizes go from 16 cm to 8 cm.





Part of the process of painting.




Soon at my online shop!




Women in Space



A serie of 12 illustrations of female astronauts who have been or are going to be in the space.










This illustrations where from 11/05 to 9/06 of 2017 in the Universidad Loyola de Andalucía, Seville.


There are 5 prints of each astronauts, if you want any print contact me on




Homesick Zine


I did a workshop about zine making an poetry in LCC (London College of Communication)  called “Finding inspiration: poetry, history, identity workshop”.

We did some poetry reading and discussion with Dorothea Smartt and the  Zine-making with Ruth Collingwood and Monica Sajeva.

It was amazing and really useful to get through a creative block.






CutreCovers 1

During the first semester I did this selection of awesome CD covers for fun. I love the results and when I have time I will do more, the list of this kind of covers is infinite. Thats why I am naming this “CutreCovers 1” because I really want to do a second group of them (and a third?). Please pay attention to the titles, completely amazing.
All of them are done with watercolor and ink.



Here you can see when I put the faces on my instagram (and a photo of a friend and myself).


As always, if you want any print contact me on


